Bicycle Scenes from Vancouver

With a few hours to kill around Downtown Vancouver, I took a spin around on the bike, where I thought I’d try and find some classic waterfront views. Not my typical post, but sometimes it’s nice just to enjoy the view… There’s still some good traffic free bike infrastructure though…

I began in West Vancouver, riding the 2 speed Brompton over Lions Gate Bridge, which is possible, but a strain on legs that have spent too much time on the ebike lately. I stopped to look down to the Stanley park Seawall… poor man’s drone shot…

Guessing there has been a collision, or near miss or two, from the viewing area…

Heading down the Stanley Park Causeway, and while I didn’t take any photos, it’s surprising, maybe I’d should say alarming, how many sections of railing have been hit by vehicles. I did stop to grab a photograph of the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons that are triggered automatically by approaching bikes. I assume using radar from that square box mounted above the sign…

Getting to the edge of Coal Harbour, some boats, a bike path, and some rebranded Rogers mobi bike-share bikes. Taking over Shaw required more than just rebranding the service vehicles. They were well used though along the waterfront on this cool and windy day, that had been threatening rain.

I always figured this tree would make a good frame for a photo… Maybe… Maybe not…

Moving around Coal Harbour, the convention centre and container terminal cranes provide a recognizable backdrop to the well separated walking and cycling paths.

Taking the steps up from the bike path, provides better views of the float planes and North Vancouver beyond.

The convention centre bike path can see the odd conflict or five…

Cutting across downtown on Hornby with bicycle signals controlling conflicts between the bi-directional bike lane and one-way traffic.

You’re often moving faster on a bike than in a car in downtown…

The intersection of two bi-directional protected bike lanes at one protected intersection corner of the street doing a lot of things right. The separate right turn lanes helps to remove conflicts with cars with a dedicated right turn phase and no right on red the rest of the time… Assuming everybody obeys the signals and signage…

Which one is quicker getting around downtown? Is the Ferrari trying to mimic the backpack straps of the person on the bike?

The Granville Street Bridge from below… Like real life Meccano…

Heading back around By Beach Avenue and mobi bike share stations by the beach…

The laughing sculptures… and another mobi bike share stations…

Beach Avenue bike lane being well used… by more people on mobi bikes…

Another view over to North Vancouver, doing a half loop of Stanley Park before heading back to the other side… and another mobi bike share bike…

Classic Lions Gate Bridge view with the Vancouver Mounted Police as a bonus…

Then one more looking over the the industrial North Shore…

A different view of the Lions Gate Bridge heading back to the North Shore, where Stanley Park Drive passes over the Causeway. Interestingly, while it looks like the vehicles shouldn’t be in the centre lane, the signal changed about a second before I took the photograph below.

That’s all, hopefully you enjoyed the views…


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